Saturday, May 19, 2007

Safe Havens

By some miracle of grace you may just have noticed that for you the end times have become the now times. Simply by standing still for just a few short decades you have become a dangerous thought criminal .
So fast is this pace of change that what was once considered by humanity for millenia as perfectly normal is now percieved by the majority of mankind as the haunt of the lunatic fringe . The things that were once sacred for the people of the past are now trashed by the herd as they move ever faster with the tide that sweeps away even the deepest and surest pillars of Christian civilisation.
Never, not even at the heights of the industrial revolution has the effect been so swift, pronounced or as deeply felt . The eternal patterns of life that could once be recognised by all the peoples of the planet have exploded!
Change used to be imperceptable, and because these changes were slow they could be checked . Things for the bad usually died during this organic process, because it was just that, organic . If over time the changes were proven to work they were accomodated as tradition and passed on in custom, if not they survived briefly but were ultimately consigned to the scrap heap of fad, fashion and novelty . The difference today is that fashion itself has become the modern custom . Each new change is accepted immediatly, the only gold standard being expedience . Does it please me ? Is it easy ?and can I have it now ? After surviving this intensive scrutiny the stamp that confirms that the newest novelty has met all the requirements of modern man is the word 'MORE'.
After having been thoroughly doped and sedated by this self loving addiction, the evil one can move in and begin his work of dismantling the reef of religious belief that for so long has protected man from himself.
Well advanced he is, and each waking day those with eyes to see can witness this demolition . Each day pandoras box releases a new demon and each day a guiding angel is imprisoned . Some, not blind but only squinting in fear of catching the full glare of this carnage say to themselves, 'If it gets any worse I'll , I'll , I will I'll do something . After a brief head scratch he continues as before accepting each new final straw as a bed to lie on.
Abortion, contraception , homosexuality, homosexual marriage, adoption and indoctrination, cloning, human/animal hybrids, euthanasia, if someone suggests that paedophilia , incest and bestiality will never join the ranks this monstrous hit parade, maybe, just maybe they should get to the front of the queue and make that same assertion to the first born head of this ever growing hydra that appeared and was accepted and worshipped less than a brief generation ago.
The breaks are off, things are bad and they are going to get far worse . That assertion may depress some but I encourage them to examine the recent past as proof of the veracitity of that statement . Without a break to apply the pressure to slow down and stop civilisation from it's carreering down hill, how on earth can a reverse or u turn ever be expected . Now this break that we need humanly and politically speaking will never shut the lid to this sewer completely , because that lid is infact the gates of hell.
The tool that God uses time and again to convince man to return to him and be saved is the rod of chastisement . The current state of mans iniquity shames the times of Noah, soddom and Gommorah and caligula by it's depths of sheer universally accepted depravity. The wages due for those sins is crying out to be paid.
While trusting in his intervention and petitioning him with prayer we must fill the time in waiting . How does one do that today?
The terror of this particular atheistic experiment, this capitalist/socialist nightmare that we are living today is only visible by those who can see the junction of the past and the present and the future . Those who can see , can evaluate, they can weigh the value of each new change, based on what was gained, what was lost and at what cost.
Whom do you serve? The choice is becoming clearer each day . Do you serve the lord of the world and his new emperors that have crowned themselves in God's sanctury or do you serve Christ the king Lord of your total life. Follow this sequence and weigh its probability if you would . Society continues as it is , the sheer volume of ever increasing occassions of sin and the complete abandonment of the guidence of the good God damns more and more souls to hell .The strong medicine that would be required to avert this and to save souls will have to be of an order that because of mans pride levels would need to eclipse anything seen previously . To re-orientate man he will need to be levelled first .
The collapse of this system could come in many ways and from many directions, war in the east, plague, natural disaster etc, perhaps even all three together . The direction of the collapse is fairly academic because from what ever direction it comes it will come for the same purpose . Like the scourges sent to Egypt to obtain the freedom of Gods chosen, these scourges will come to free man from himself and to reach out to God as saviour . Those few who can see the thunder and lightning of this spiritual storm can rest assured that the physical whirlwind will follow close on it's tail . Spiritual preparedness is obviously paramount in the obtaining the gift of eternal life, and that spiritual tribulation is here today . But what does one do physically to prepare to survive the tribulation that inevitably will follow from it ?
Man is totally dependant on the state for everything from food at the supermarket, water through the taps and heat and light via the utilities . He is in affect a baby, he has made himself so in an attempt to release himself from the responsibility to survive. He has given that responsibility to the state as parent.
So what happens when through an emergency that parent can no longer cope? If we dare use our imagination on this one it is not difficult to see . First an eruption of anarchy and disorder where the strong trample the weak . The days when Christian men accepted the self sacrifice of ' women and children first' are long gone . The first will be the strongest . The weakest will be trampled to death in the mad scrum as the vineer of civilisation is ripped from the brutish animal that man has willed to become . A glimpse of this terror was brought home during the recent hurricane katrina, where the weak trapped in the super bowl were preyed upon mercilessly by the strong . Murder, rape and robbery were the wages paid out . Looting and barbarity will be the immediate response to the breakdown.

'Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; rather weep for yourselves and for your children. For the days will surely come when people will say ' Happy are those who are barren, the wombs that have never bourne , the breasts that never suckled'. Then they will begin to say to the mountains ' fall on us' to the hills ' cover us!'

It was thus for Babylon, Greece and for Rome before they fell and it will be the more for this order because it is that much more all pervading and controlling in it's grip of our individual lives.
Fortunately rural Ireland is still a long way from being Louisiana, outside of the big cities and towns familial ties still hold . The neighbourhoods that provide the parishioners for the local churches might react differently to the way they would in Bradford, the bronx or broadwater farm or even Dublin.
An emergency is due, reacting to it before it arrives would be prudent . Embracing the past before it kicks in the door would be the best defence in mitigating it's effects. Detatch yourself from Babylon.
The word 'separatism' confuses and alarms many . 'Arnt we meant to be a light in the world?' they ask . Undoubtedly, however that light must shine not just in this generation but in those to come . That is why the small lambs and the tiny flames that are the children given into each Christian family must be protected and gaurded from both the wolves and the hard winds . When candles are burning strongly and when they are standing together, their light is that much brighter and reaches so much further into the darkness.
Lets say you are not convinced that the privations you would have to accept today are proportionate to the threat that might or might not happen tommorrow . That is certainly something worthy of consideration. Do you have to sit in the storm shelter months before the storm hits? Perhaps not, but what I am proposing here is that we prepare the storm shelter in advance of the storm.
Since the begining there have been attempts to secure a safe haven from both the disorder and chastisement that inevitably followed it . Many nations seeking independence from the tyranny of imperialism have built nations within nations, while in modern times various indiginous peoples rights have been afforded plenty of largesse from big brother and have had specific areas accorded to them so that they could continue as seperate entities. There have been many third ways, and most of those ways have been wrong ways. The true way between the constant tensions of conserve on the one hand and progress on the other is Christs way.
The Catholic church and its hidden treasure of social doctrine are the only blue print for human existence that should interest us . We will have to do everything ourselves and ignore repressive and unrepresentative govenments almost entirely, they will fall and rise as they have always done while we must attempt as best we can to avoid their continued encroachments into both our adult lives and our childrens worlds .To be authentically free from babylon is as simple as ceasing to use it and by degrees our journey should be just that. And when those who scoff at the privations that you accept as part of the price for that freedom finally run for cover what they will be trying to find you will not only have found but have ready . Please God like the loaves and the fishes and the heavenly manna , divine multiplication will help you assist those whom the Lord will most assuredly send in your direction.
The most natural and most effective safe haven in the midst of this chaos would be a cluster of families and individuals of a like mind, living in close proximity to each other in a rural situation . Far from being an abnormal or synthetic construct this is infact the ideal that has sustained and supported the flowering of human civilisation since the begining . Leaving the city is the most important move you could make . When the Jews left the city of Egypt they left in such a hurry that even the dough for the morning bread remained unleavened . Now we might not have to leave overnight as they did but if we plan for our journey today, if we could but spend a few tears now we might save buckets of tears tommorrow. When the flood waters reach your doorstep take yourself your wife and your family to higher ground . It is by no accident that the fertile ground that supports the health of the physical life at the same time nourishes the spiritual life.
Colonising an area of countryside and living in an alliance of clustered homesteading families is something that the amish of America are and have been doing for centuries . It would not be in imitation of the amish that the Irish Catholic adopted this lifestyle but in imitation of his Grandfather! In Ireland that way of life continued preserved from the claws of advancement and progress right up to less than half a century ago. To be in the world but not of it , to inhabit a parallell society, a real society standing in the same time and space as this virtual society but independant from it. Whether we do this now or later it is inevitable that the 'covered wagons ' of these new pioneers will continue leaving the metropolis in search, not of a new life but of the Old life . In search not of material gain but as an escape from the worst excesses of material tyranny . If you move house, make sure that one of the most important criteria in your re-positioning is that you move closer to another christian family . It does'nt matter if they ar'nt your 'type' or whether they believe this or that prophecy or visionary. You are not marrying them and you are not going to set up house with them . Whether you see them a lot or rarely is not going to be the most important issue . What will be important however is that you will have made a committment to each other. 'If you need me I will be there for you, I might not hang around for a cuppa afterwards but you have got me if you need me'. The peace of mind that this commitment buys should transcend any of the minor differences that so bedevil the confused but scincere Catholic today . Trusting must always take presidence over liking in times of emergency . Now, if you can both trust and like someone then you have already moved closer to them . The enemies of Christ have such a unity of hate towards him that it seems to nullify any of the thousand differences among them, not surprisingly because like the the demoniac their name is 'legion'. For the many catholics that seek but have no absolute understanding of the whereabouts of the orthodoxy they all aspire to, the rebuilding of the chuch remains fixed on arguments on where to place the first brick, and who should lay it . The oneness of the true faith has become shredded to pieces while the devil and all his minions become united in their onslaughts.
If families truly understood the perilous state of affairs in this increasingly hostile territory they might better appreciate their jeopardy and their need to respond with others in the face of it . Any of these future settlements should be places not of huddled besieged neurotics but of clear sighted faith inspired realists who so value the primacy of the next world over this passing world that they are willing to make sacrifices, not continuing compromises in the face of the world the flesh and the Devil . So many today think that accepting ever increasing doses of sin into their family life is the only way that they can show others that they are 'normal' . The safety of your wife and your children are paramount , Your job is to rescue them from the lions not throw them to the lions. To be able to sally forth from your fort to stike a blow at the enemies surrounding you, you first need to build your fort ! . It is a contest between the Christ instituted Kingdom of the family versus Satan in the form of the individualist man centered super state. Of Mary's children and the Dragon.
There is no directory for the countless like minded souls and many hermit families that live scattered across this fair nation . However God is moving them , they are meeting, sometimes passing like ships in the night, but the movement is afoot.
Whether you meet them lighting a candle at the back of church, at a holywell, a shrine like Knock or at the summit of a mountain like croagh Patrick dont loose the moment, make contact.
This magazine the Hibernian is like a small radio signal , the voice of the resistence bringing hope to those besieged in occupied lands . How long it will keep going is anybodies guess but while it is there share it with others , buy some extra copies and give them to members of your family or workmates , leave some in the doctors surgery amongst the filth that is so readilly tolerated, or in the library. The powers that be have already attempted to bring the Hibernian down but thank God those committed to it are still beating out the distress signal.
First build your own small piece of 'Free Ireland' and then go join the resistence!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Old Gods Rising

Although the names have changed , the old Gods are back .
There existed in antiquity a temple, it was called the Pantheon of the Gods . It is being rebuilt, the false Gods are being reawakened just as the true God is being put to sleep . This Pantheon was like a great ecumenical super dome . In it were found not just the God's of the Romans but also the deities that the Empire had aquired through it's contact with the rest of the Pagan world . All were found acceptable, all were authentic as all were real . The reason that they could co-exist was because none of these Gods claimed he was the only God. The modern political system of ' Big Tent ' inclusivity follows a similar pattern where all relative philosophies are on the inside while the objective ideas of men who actually believe in anything are today relegated to the cold outside .
Jesus Christ was not crucified for claiming to be any old God, indeed the Emperor himself along with Alexander the great before him claimed that title . It was because Christ claimed to be true God that he could not be accomodated into the Pantheon . Those same dark idols are being raised again , readilly worshipped and sacrificed to by a re-paganised people who again like the pagans of old see Christ as their only obstacle . Indeed this is the same motivation of the masonic New order who encourage the worship of all Gods but the one true God as manifested by our lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
In there own words ' Masonry while religious is not a religion, but within it's precepts and professions are contained the truths and universal morality of all recognised creeds and religions'
Although as previously mentioned some of the names have changed but their cults are visible and the same sacrifices are being demanded and freely offered from a new generation
Athena/Ishtar is being worshipped as Goddess by an evergrowing legion of predominently young girls drawn into the booming Wiccan earth mother religion and NewAgism . Unfortunately a concerted attempt is being made to co-opt our blessed lady into this abomination .
Knock shrine has chosen to stock material by the self proclaimed spiritual midwife and 'nun' Joyce Rupp.
Author Rupp claims to have learnt a lot from Eagle Crux a native American spiritualist and feels that she resonates with mystical islamic suffism . She tells us that everything is made of stardust including ourselves and that stones have as much right to be here as we have, infact more so because they have been here longer. Her books include how to draw sacred mandela dancing circles and even have the rites for the blessing of the sexual organs!
On Ireland she says that the Irish love of learning was first fostered by the wise druids and in the same article goes on to extoll NewAgism as valuable and that some in the church are envious of it because it draws people toward spiritual growth.
Here is an exerpt from 'Cosmic Dance' which so sadly had a big promotion by the management of the bookshop a while ago.

'Different from me , thousands of them . Holding hands, kissing, arms around each other, stretching me beyond the safe world of hetrosexuality. A gathering of lesbians challenging me to enter a world I never visit'

Infact so enamoured by the works of Ms Rupp the bookshop decided to entirely filled up it's front window with a selection of offerings from this author.
The invention of Mary as God is being attempted theologically as well philisophically by cloaking her in the mantle of Hagia Sophia the goddess Wisdom. Unfortunately Knock bookshop rather than defend our Lady against such enemies has chosen to abet them .'She who is' is one of the titles also stocked there that attempts to perpetuate the growing feminisation/paganisation of the christian faith. How Mary full of grace must weep to see the desecration that parades as choice by even the most senior gaurdians of this most sacred shrine .
The Goddess in new age speak is a representative of all the Goddesses. Lillith , Ishtar, Athena ,Sophia etc.
For todays Satanist Lillith is the star rising. Heres some words from one of the growing plethora of Satanist Web sites.
'Lillith is seen by many as a feminist role model, her worshippers today associate her with sexual freedom, especially non reproductive sex and various traditionally forbidden forms of sexuality, we regard her as the rising Queen of our age'.
The Satanist perspective continues.
' Lillith of all the rising Gods of the modern West is the one that is under greatest attack by Abrahimic fundamentalists and TRADITIONALISTS . Ishtar/Lillith queen of heaven will become the number one competitor for human worship in the West'.
Again to quote.
'Satan is a God who favours science and technology. Technology changes everything. Many things once considered deadly have been rendered harmless, conversly many things once considered reatively harmless are now potentially dangerous.'
Satanism has never been as popular, they even have their own flag of red and black . The Gothic nature of Satan worship is a big hit with the nihillistic outcasts of society . In the main these pale youths are the ones to whom the message of christ would be most needed and perhaps heeded .[ How sad that the promoters of the gospel seem to have little interest in their product nowadays, maybe they no longer have confidence in the manufaturer] .Goths can be seen on the trendy fringes of most large town centres and malls on a saturday afternoon. The pentangles, black biker boots , black trenchcoats and the pewter clawed index finger are the external indicators of their interior disposition .This growing band of societal outcasts become obssessed in their search for lifes meaning making themselves the only goal of their exsistence . In their frustration is it any wonder that this youth group are recorded as being the most susceptible to self harm and suicide.
Libertas was the ancient Roman Goddess of personal liberty . She had a temple atop one of the seven hills and is depicted as wearing a 'pileas' which is a felt cap once worn by freed slaves . Libertas reappeared during the french revolution as Lady liberty, again wearing the felt hat of freedom . In 1793 she replaced the blessed virgin at the alter of the Notre Damme de Paris cathedral when it was turned into the temple of reason . Today Libertas stands at the gateway of the new world and holds aloft the sacred torch of reason proclaiming 'Liberty enlightening the world.' She is the statue of liberty in New York harbour a gift cemented and instituted by a masonic trowel . She is the Light bearer.
'Light bearer' is the latin common noun for Lucifer!!
The Luciferian parallells with the creeds of the new world Babylon again should come as no surprise because they both share a harlot for a mother . Luciferian theology says that ' Lucifer was the real creator of this world and is truly Lord of the World . Lucifer is the angel of mans inner life, he is the angel of mans evolution . One does not walk the path one is the path . Lucifer comes to give us wholeness, if we accept it he is free and we are free.' Indeed for both the luciferian and the enlightened modernist the knowledge of good and evil, the apple of sin offered by the serpent Satan to Eve was not a curse but a gift, offering liberty from slavery to God . It was the gift of illumination the beginning of wisdom and the true acknowledgement of the divinity of Man.
Nature as a diety in herself is becoming more and more attractive to those souls that acknowledge the presence of the spirit but deny it's holy origins, prefering to accept the natural world as the kingdom of now, in preference to the supernatural Kingdom that is to come . The followers of the God Pan seem to fortify their belief in Nature as God by their growing observation that man is fast becoming a beast . Infact the more that man is seen to be fallen the greater they elevate nature as God.
There is a growing attatchement to the Norse Gods of Thor and Odin amongst extreme nationalists who see the Jewish social worker Christ as a betrayer , subvertor and emasculator of the virility of the manhood they believed once existed in the white warrior caste . Valkyries carrying the dead to the perpetual feasting halls of valhalla take the place of angels and the heavenly Jerusalem.
The Babylonian God Molech demanded the sacrifice of infants who were passed through the fire to him as appeasements . This God has sprung back to life with a vengence as the God of abortion . He offers in return for his burnt offering freedom from the burden and male imposed slavery of pregnancy and motherhood.
Bacchus the Greek god of wine and merry making seems all pervasive within the circles of the lukewarm . They live for their stomaches seeing the pleasure they get from feeding it as a means in it'self . They embark on a never ending search for satiation, a voyage that is doomed to never find it's fullfillment or to meet it's journeys end . Carnal appetites are elastic, the more they get the greater becomes their demand , you become like a man dying for lack of water yet the more he drinks the greater grows his thirst and the greater his desire to quench it.
Sex like food, being of the carnal order are bedfellows in this respect . Pornography taking the place of fast food and with it the insatiable appetite for more and greater graphic material . No wonder that the imperial banquet was usually followed by an orgy as it's last course . Mastery of our carnal nature can never be found in constantly giving in to it's increasing demands .The sence of spiritual emptiness and the sheer soul desolation that follows each disordered binge reveals the inadequecy of ever believing you can master something by repeatedly giving into it. Indeed it is by this repeated aquiecence that we become it's slave.
Man again is lost , only this time he has chosen to be lost in a futile attempt to hide from God . His dilema acknowledges the existence of interior life but in his pride he refuses to accept any help from the hands of true God preferring to penetrate his own reflection by staring in a glass darkly and becoming transfixed by his own reflection..
Interestingly unnoticed by the multitudes there was in the Pantheon the answer to their questions and at the same time the fullfillment of all the false Gods promised solutions to the enigma of mans condition.
St Paul as he strolled around Athens during his debating tours with the stoic philosophers[ who actually thought that the term resurrection was a goddess!!] came upon the Greek temple of the Pantheon of the Gods
..'Because I noticed as I strolled around admiring your sacred monuments , that you had an alter inscribed ;To an unknown God . Well the God whom I proclaim is in fact the one whom you already worship without knowing it'.

The nature of the Gods is evidenced by the sacrifices they demand. What price does Christ charge for the freedom he offers? It has already been paid on the cross. It's merits available from the temple of the living God , at the Mass.
All he asks in return is a dwelling place in your heart.
Most sacred heart of Jesus I place all my trust in thee.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Treasure Seekers

It might surprise you to learn that boys are searchers. It almost seems as if they are hardwired in this respect to go out and find, they hunt and they seek . They will first check out their immediate enviroment, then they will look under the settee and behind it and put their hands down the sides, feeling for what might have dropped down . They will search the cupboard, the wardrobe, the chest of drawers . They will risk life and limb climbing to the forbidden places . They dont know what they are searching for but they certainly know when they have found it . So many Dads seem to have a hidden stash, by stash I mean their little porn heap, their pile of mags, their 'gentlemans' perk.
How many of them are under the illusion that no one could possibly find their secret place or on the other hand just dont give a damn whether it is found or not, almost making their neglect a philisophical stance. They even attempt to justify this neglect by following the 'mature drinking' theory . The idea is that you allow a child the ability to access porn if they choose, so as to encourage the development of a responsible self policing attitude to it in later life . The problem however is that the very nature of porn, it's imbibition and it's consequences are invisible. Pornographic imagery can be brought to mind at any time, it can be mentally played with and chewed on all day long without anyone knowing . You can be thinking of your last delicious dose while your face looks dutifully downcast while listening to the lecture following being caught in the act of trawling the computer top shelf . The hunger for more and more, stronger and graphic imagery occurs when the current set of mental pictures start to loose their flavour and no longer produce the' hit '. It is no surprise that perverts prior to abusing their young victims expose them to pornographic material . This exposure to hard core pornographic material is used to illicict a concensual response to their overtures . Alcohol and drugs are also used in this fieindish process, the alcohol is not in itself the occasion of sin but is used to destroy the inhibition mechanism of the conscience . It is then after having bound their victims in these webs the stalker moves in for the thrill.
While the toxic nature of the chemicals in the alcohol and drugs, through abstinence can be cleaned from your body, the toxic nature of pornography is near impossible to erase from your brain.
For the drug addict or the alcoholic to go back into dependency he actually has to go out and find his panicea whether it be heroin or methadone, buckfast or carlsberg special brew . However for the porn addicted all he has to do is go to his memories and recall pictures or scenes and he has immediatly been re-exposed to his addiction.
The dynamics of sexual addiction have been increasingly well documented by numerous authorities, yet the information is seldom mentioned to teenagers. Few are aware that when one views pornography, powerful biochemical reactions are unleashed which can quickly lead to addiction . When a child is excited by an image , the adrenal gland secretes a chemical called epinephrine into the blood stream . This chemical then travels to the brain and locks in the image . From this point, the mind may recall the image at any time and trigger the feelings of arousal . The effect of this process is why so many adults can still vividly see the first pornographic image they saw as a youngster.
Other biochemicals are also at work which produce powerfull euphoric states in the porn viewer. Children experiencing this self induced chemical thrill naturally wish to do it again, [ this is true also of graphic violent images, where a child who is interested in one goes in search of the other ] The very act of of approaching pornography then creates a rush of expectation and anticipation before the first image is even viewed .
This can so often lead to ritualisation of porn to maximise the 'buzz' . Children who begin with casual viewing may suddenly find themselves consumed by recalled erotic images and be trapped in a cycle that requires ever more explicit imagery to achieve the same response. This childhood pre-exposure sadly often goes on to become a springboard to a future life of impurity and promiscuity .
Pornography, especially when first encountered by children leaves within them a disturbance, the waters that were and should have remained still have had a rock thrown into them . That thing that becomes disturbed goes on to affect not only adult life but relationships in marriage . Pornographic imagery promotes themes that are both degrading and unnatural, fostering expectations that are abusive and sinfull, depicting women as insatiable playthings . The sexual act itself through pornography becomes thoroughly dehumanised and desensitized.
Today we have a situation where internet access brings the filth down from on top of the wardrobe and into the childs bedroom . Parents are immigrants to the computer world, their children natives . If you have internet access in your home and children with the ability and the freedom to use it, then you have porn in your home .
There is an online party forum that estimates say 9 out of 10 teenage internet users have been active on . On that forum webcams are used to send public and private images of young people to complete stangers. Many of these images are pornographic, the childs computer terminal bedroom being the studio. Perverts pay via paypal using the digital mobile phone as an anonymous receiver.
Some children rather than going into town to 'hang out' choose to hang out around the computer terminal . Here they can visit the virtual Soho and enter invisibly any of the millions of ' adult shops' that they wish . They can take down and examine the glossy merchandise to fill up their mental store house, taking home with them the temptation to self abuse and the urge to carry out the distortions and gross perversions that they have viewed there on another person . As they walk blindly around this sexualising computer wonderland they are ever at the risk of propositioning by paedophile groomers who would freely admit that the internet is for them a dream come true.
The secret life of the modern Adrian Mole
'Adrian waited impatiently for his parents to go out and leave him 'master' of the home. After all did'nt they trust him? His first rush of anticipation came as he said a cheery 'BYE!' and the door shut.
The excitement grew as he booted up his computer. While he was loading , he would pull out a CD-ROM that he had hidden up and slip it into the drive. The disc contained hundreds of pornographic images that he had down loaded from his computer.
After viewing a handfull of pictures to feed his excitement he would log onto the internet and proceed to one of his favourte sites to indulge his insatiable quest for new images to add to his 'gold stash'.
It is in this scenario that so often a younger sibling perching at the shoulder finds his first initiation like some diabolical baptism and so the damage spreads . Many children are living a double life, one life the parent sees the other is a private life of self abuse of the body and of self harm to the spirit . This poison that so affects most of todays adults is deadly when administered to a child, there is a time for a child to wake, that time should never be hastened prematurely . Unchaperoned internet use by minors is abuse, period. It is to have abused the brief period of innocence that is the childhood right of all of us fallen adults . It seems that the mechanism by which society forces children to become grown ups sooner is simple, abuse them . The Devil must be delighted that his catch is so much greater by playing on the pride of some parents who feel that they must join in this crusade of extinguishing the light of childhood by educating their progeny with the knowledge of good and evil rather than innocence and purity.
Pope Pius XII put this dilema succinctly and so simply in his encyclical Miranda Porus.
'Everyone knows full well that very often children can avoid the transient attack of disease outside of their home, but cannot escape it when it lurks in the home itself . It is wrong to introduce risk in any form into the sanctity of the home.'
The bible can verify not only the holy Fathers concerns but the veracity of his words
Mathew 6;27
'The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows that if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be in darkness. If then the light inside you is darkness, what darkness that will be'.
So many parents are oblivious to the content of their childs minds and to the growing cancer affecting their childs soul . They hope, but never ask, and they are never ever told . Like all addictions the addiction to pornography thrives in secrecy, mum and dad become seen not as loving good shepherds, but the patrolling heads of an inner city school playground,. People not to be trusted but people to be hidden from . Incredibly most parents today freely admit that they know little or nothing about what their children look at online! If your earthly guardian angels in the form of your parents are blind to the things taking place within the souls of their children only one person becomes the beneficiary, Satan, and where he guides even 'Angels' fear to tread .
If you suspect even remotely that your child may be being drawn into the web of internet pornography then you must talk with them, listen to them, pray with them . The deep wounds and the mental scars that each and every pornographic image leaves both in the mind, and deeper still in the soul are wounds that can never be completely healed . Like the disease malaria even after what seems an age in remission the symptoms can burst out again and again .
What you can do however is bury them . Every time an image presents itself for inspection it can be resisted, and everytime it is resisted it can be shoved further and further back down into the pit from whence it came . The best form of resistence is not to attempt to tear the temptation out by the root because that is exactly what the temptation wants, it wants attention and it is through that attention that the temptation gains strength . Rather than stand and fight, flee at the first sight . The way to flee each assault is through prayer, petition the good God and keep petitioning him until the presence of sin leaves you, and be assured it will, no matter how long it gives the impression that it is there for life . The futher you have fallen the longer and the harder the road to recovery, but you can by the grace of God be renewed no matter how fallen you had been . When you stand in judgement it will not just be for the things that you did, but also for the things that you failed to do on which you will be judged . Dont fail your children . Because if they are not with you in heaven then there is a strong chance are that both of you will be somewhere else.

'But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his kneck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea'.
'Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the man by whom the temptations comes !'

St Elizabeth Seton had a vision around a hundred and fifty years ago , it was a vision that then could not be properly understood . It was of a black box in the homes of every family , and it as from that box that the devil robbed souls. But perhaps the last word should go to Our Lady of Good Success, who referred in 1610 to events destined for the twentieth century.
..'Woe to the children of these times...In these unhappy times there will be unbridled luxury which acting thus to ensnare the rest to sin, will conquer innumerable frivilous souls who will be lost . INNOCENCE WILL ALMOST NO LONGER BE FOUND IN CHILDREN nor modesty in women, and in this supreme moment of need of the church, those who should speak will fall silent'